Membership Information
Penfield Art Association runs on a fiscal year from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Dues are payable as of July 1 each year. The Association does not pro-rate dues. New members are responsible for full payment no matter when you join. with membership being renewable again on July 1. We welcome anyone 18 years or older. The Penfield Art Association has four membership categories:
- Active membership requires that you attend the majority of monthly meetings and volunteer to help with PAA art shows and various Club activities. The Club relies on the active participation of members.
- Household memberships are available to households with more than one artist.
- Exhibiting-only memberships are available to artists who choose not to take an active part in the PAA but wish to participate in PAA activities and shows.
- Honorary memberships are approved by the Executive Board as a way of honoring long-time members for their contributions to PAA.
Click on the link below to download the PAA Membership Application and Renewal Form
PAA Application and Renewal Form
Click on the link below to view the PAA membership brochure