PAA Meeting and Demo Schedule for 2024-2025

Guests are welcome at Penfield Art Association meetings. Our meetings take place in the Senior Lounge of the Penfield (NY) Community Center, 1985 Baird Road. Meetings begin promptly at 7 p.m. with a  brief business meeting followed by a presentation by a local artist. To learn more about each presenter, click on their name.

PAA meetings and presentations for 2024-2025

Sept. 24, 2024: Madeline Dawn Corsaro

  Landscapes with Printmaking
Oct. 8, 2024: Lisa Wagner
   Intuitive Art
Nov. 5, 2024: Laurie Maddelina
    Portraiture in Charcoal
Jan. 16, 2025: Gail Robers Loveland
   Environments in Felting
March 18, 2025: To be announced
April 15, 2025: Jeff Lindgren
   Focusing on the Story in Oil
May 21, 2025: Brian O’Neill
    Painting waves in Oil