Awards for the Penfield Art Association 2013 Winter Show were presented to 12 members.
They are:
Best of Show: “A Walk on the Wild Side” by Erika Hutch.
Denise Rizzo received a Body of Work Judge’s Award for three paintings: “Abandoned Boat,” “Tidal Waterfalls,” and “Eternal Flame Waterfall.”
Juror Awards: “Nostalgia” by Cecilia Chang; “Unforgettable” by Kathy Houston; “Boats at Canandaigua Yacht Club” by Barbara Jablonski; “Birth of the New World Order” by Richard Thomas and “Pushing Past, Pushing Through” by Rose Welch.
Merit Awards: “Tomatoes” by Henry Besanceney; “Forest” by Corky Geck; “Through the Woods” by Doris Hooker; “Cheyennes Guarding the Mobile Homes” by Richard Kalkman; and “Whispers in the Wood” by Thinh Nguyen.
A total of 87 paintings were accepted for the show, which was on display from Feb. 3 to March 1 in the Community Room at Barnes & Noble, 3349 Monroe Ave., Pittsford, N.Y.
The juror for this year’s show was Rochester artist and teacher Sari Gaby.